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Written by: Ryan Love
Thursday, 23 October 2008

Retirement can seem a long way off, however there are many reasons why planning now can put you in the driver's seat later.

Retirement may last longer than you think

Have you thought about how long your retirement could last?

The bottom line is that in order to make sure that your money doesn't run out before you do, you need to plan to be retired for at least 20 years.

This means you need to start thinking seriously about how you are going to provide for retirement and consider seeking financial advice now, rather than later.

Written by: Ryan Love
Thursday, 23 October 2008

Gearing (borrowing to invest) has been a popular wealth creation strategy.  By enabling you to invest more money, gearing has the potential to improve your overall financial wealth.

Investment gearing is simply borrowing to invest.  Gearing allows you to use your existing investments to borrow additional funds and expand your portfolio.  By doing this, you will have more money working for you and be able to generate greater wealth for your retirement.

Gearing can also be a tax effective strategy as the interest on borrowings for investment is usually tax deductible.

Written by: Ryan Love
Thursday, 23 October 2008

There has been strong focus on getting people to save more for retirement with strong emphasis on being able to afford an active lifestyle, but many overlook the necessary requirements for aged care as we are now living longer.

Aged care is a growing issue that many people prefer not to deal with until it happens.  However taking this approach can be expensive and emotionally stressful for everyone connected to and including the person requiring aged care.

Written by: Ryan Love
Thursday, 23 October 2008

Knowing how to manage money helps you make smart choices and allows your money to work harder for you.  You will be more likely to avoid traps that can undermine your ability to achieve your financial goals.  You will be in a better position to pay off debt and build savings.

Written by: Ryan Love
Thursday, 23 October 2008

Financial planning is the process of achieving your life goals through proper management of your finances.  Some typical life goals are; buying a home, saving for your child's education or planning for retirement.

The financial planning process consists of six steps that help you take a "big picture" look at where you are financially.

The process involves:

Written by: Ryan Love
Thursday, 23 October 2008

We know the importance of earning a return on our money and planning in order to achieve our lifestyle goals, but we may not know how to start an investment program that will put us on the right path.

Your personal investment goals

Your first step as a potential investor is to determine what you want to accomplish with your money, and when you want to accomplish it.

What are the next steps?